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Semester ticket


Campus Berlin

Students on Campus Berlin must buy a semester ticket from the Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaft (BVG). With the Semesterticket one is mobile for 6 months. To purchase the semester ticket, you must sign a contract. This contract and further information about the semester ticket can be obtained from the Welcome Desk.

Campus Frankfurt

Students on Campus Frankfurtmust buy a semester ticket from the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbunde (RMV). With the Semesterticket one is mobile for 6 months. To purchase the semester ticket, you must sign a contract. This contract and further information about the semester ticket can be obtained from the Welcome Desk.

Campus Freiburg

Students on Campus Freiburg buy a semester ticket from the Regio-Verkehrsbunds Freiburg (RVF) . With the Semesterticket one is mobile for 6 months. Further information can be found on the websites of VAG or Studierendenwerks Freiburg.

Without a semester ticket: From 7:00 pm until the end of business hours, all students with a valid student ID card can use the buses and trains of the RVF for free. 

AchtungPlease note that the semester ticket is only valid with a RVF sticker on the student ID. The sticker is available from the Welcome Desk at the beginning of the semester.  A journey with the semester ticket without a valid student ID card with RVF sticker is considered as a ride without a ticket and you have to pay a fine.

Campus Hamburg

Students on campus Hamburg must buy a semester ticket from the Hamburger Verkehrverbung (HVV). With the Semesterticket one is mobile for 6 months. To purchase the semester ticket, you must sign a contract. This contract and further information about the semester ticket can be obtained from the Welcome Desk.

Campus Köln

Students on campus Köln must buy a semester ticket from the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg (VRS) or the Kölner Verkehrsbetriebe (KVB). With the Semesterticket one is mobile for 6 months. To purchase the semester ticket, you must sign a contract. This contract and further information about the semester ticket can be obtained from the Welcome Desk.

Campus Leipzig

There is no semester ticket.

Campus München

There is no semester ticket.

Campus Stuttgart

There is no semester ticket